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Româna [ English ] Deutsch
   P u r p o s e s

  • W h a t    i s    o u r    p u r p o s e    o n    a r t i s t i c    l e v e l ?

    - Organizing theater performances for adults, youth and children;
    - Finding new artistic contents and forms, suitable for the way of life and for the humans' reflection at century cross;
    - Organizing an international theater festival.

  • W h a t    i s    o u r    p u r p o s e    o n    s o c i a l    l e v e l ?

    - Education and cultural integration of the social under-privileged persons;
    - Sustaining, on the basis of our program with exclusive artistic, humanitarian and pedagogic content, a few tendencies of crucial importance, like:
    • Collaboration on the level of artistic ideas and energies, coming from East and West;
    • Mutual completion of ethic, philosophic and artistic experience;
    • Finding a profound human agreement, an international language, far out of the social systems and interests, of the tradition and history, of the religious confessions.
    - Establishing social-cultural brotherhoods and partnerships with cities from the European Community.

  • O b j e c t i v e s

    - Publication of the literature forbidden until 1989;
    - Mediation of the European cultural property;
    - Publication of the German literature;
    - Cultural pluralisms;
    - Encouraging the intercultural activity;
    - Cultural advantage means progress;
    - Theater against criminality and corruption;
    - Encouraging the inner change by means of new perspective proposals;
    - Rediscovering and caring for the spiritual dimension of the art.
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